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ABPTRFE Fact Sheets

Access 2023 ABPTRFE Aggregate Program Data

Review past ABPTRFE Aggregate Data via the APTA Residency/Fellowship online Community.

ABPTS Examination Pass Rates

Completion of an ABPTRFE-accredited residency program is one of the ways an individual can qualify to sit for the Board Certification Examination offered by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties.

Historically, those with residency training demonstrate higher pass rates than nonresidency trained individuals.

Access ABPTS Examination Pass Rates

Residency and Fellowship Activities and CEUs

Jurisdictions That Accept Residency and Fellowship Activities for Continuing Education Requirements

Data Requests

To request data that is not published by ABPTRFE, contact APTA staff. Please note, data request fees are assessed for providing aggregate data ($50/hour APTA member and $100/hour non-member). An estimate and invoice will be provided to the requestor for approval ahead of work.

Request for aggregate data must include:

  • Detailed description of the data being requested.
  • Description of the purpose for which the data will be used.
  • Assurance that the data will be used only for the purpose described.
  • A description of how and where the data will be disseminated.
  • An indication of when the data is needed.

Request for raw data must include:

  • Detailed description of the data being requested.
  • Description of the purpose for which the data will be used.
  • Assurance that the data will be used only for the purpose described.

An indication of when the data is needed.

  • For research projects:
    • Description of the study being proposed, including:
      1) Information regarding the process to assure the confidentiality of the data.
      2) Identification of sources of other data, if any, that will be used and the planned mechanism to relate the datasets.
    • Demonstration of IRB approval.
    • Commitment to provide residency/fellowship accreditation staff with a copy of the results of the research (e.g., dissertation, submitted/published article, report of findings).
  • For institutional research purposes, a description of how and where the data will be disseminated.

In no case will data be provided that can reasonably be interpreted in a way to identify individual programs. When the requested data has not been provided for all programs, staff will notify the requester of the number of program records not included.

Data will only be provided in an electronic spreadsheet.

Disclaimer: All uses of this data should reference the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education as the source of the data, and acknowledge that ABPTRFE bears no responsibility for interpretations presented or conclusions reached based on analysis of the data.